
Q.) What is a Domain
and why do I need one?
Ans.) It's the unique name that identifies an Internet site. The
Internet is made up of hundreds of thousands of computers and networks,
all with their own domain name or unique address. Domain names always
have two or more parts separated by dots i.e. www.webasthan.com.
What is a Top Level Domain?
Ans.) Top Level Domain (TLD) name, e.g. .com or
.dk, is the last component of a domain name. There are two different
types of TLDs: Generic and National.
A Generic TLD (.com, .org., edu .net) describes the purpose of the
organization or entity to which the domain name is registered. Generic
TLDs do not differentiate between locations. A National
TLD (e.g. .dk) specifies the country or territory of the registered
domain name owner.
The domain name suffix is assigned based on the type of organization.
For U.S. domains, the suffixes are:
- .com
- corporations
- .edu
- educational institutions
- .gov
- government institution
- .org
- non-profit organizations
- .mil
- military organization
- .net
- network provider
Advantages :
- Domain
names tend to be memorable so that people can find and return
to your site. For example if your organisation was widgets,you
would probably choose Widgets.com
- Your
domain name is unique and cannot be used by anyone else anywhere
in the world.
- It
gives your organisation tremendous mileage in terms of image
and memorability of your Internet address.
How Can I check Domain Name availability ?
Ans.) You can check it using Whois database of interNIC.
What are the advantages of Internet over conventional television
and print media ?
Ans.) Today, the Internet has become the ideal medium of communication.
For efficient correspondence via E-mail.For 24-hour presence on
the Internet via a website. Or for optimal advertising on a global
The Internet complements conventional television television and
print media with important added advantages:
Frequent updates ensure that website remain dynamic and relevant.
Web pages can be highly interactive using a combination of text,
visuals, animations as well as audio or video clips
- It
is possible to monitor the viewership of your website in terms
of the number of users accessing your website, time/date of
access etc.
- Placing
an ad in the international media is hardly feasible for most
concerns. Advertising on the Internet is!
- Potential
customers searching the Internet to source specific products/services
can easily contact you directly for business!
What are the advantages for business on Internet (WWW).
Ans.) Uncountable:
- Can
reach millions of users at a cost lower than any other medium.
- Helps
boost export,find new buyers.
- Receive
qualified leads and enquiries.
- Provide
instant access to information and save printing costs and paper.
- Keep
customers update on new products and services.
- Improve
company wide communications.
- Develop
new suppliers/sources for a wider selection of goods at a lower
cost .