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Currency Regulations

There are no restrictions on the amount of foreign currency or traveler's cheques a tourist may bring into India provided he makes a declaration in the Currency Declaration form given to him on arrival. This will enable him not only to exchange the currency brought in but also to take the unspent currency out of India on departure. Cash, bank notes and traveler's cheques up to US$1,000 or equivalent need not be declared at the time of entry.

Any money in the form of traveler's' cheques, drafts, bills, cheques, etc, in convertible currencies which tourists wish to convert into Indian currency should be exchanged only through authorized money changers and banks who will issue an encashment certificate. This certificate is required at the time of re-conversion of any unspent money into foreign currency. Tourists are warned that changing money through unauthorized persons is not only illegal but an offence under Foreign Exchanges Regulation Act 1973 but also involves the risk of receiving counterfeit currency.


Visitors are generally required to make oral baggage declaration in respect of baggage and foreign currency in their possession. Visitors in possession of more than US$1,000 or equivalent thereof in the shape of traveler's' cheques, bank notes, currency notes are required to obtain a Currency Declaration Form before leaving Customs. They should fill in the Disembarkation Card handed over to them by the airlines during the courses of the flight.

There are two channels for Custom clearance :

Green Channel - for passengers not having any dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage.

Red Channel - for passengers having dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage or high value articles to be entered on Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form.