The vast array of Rajasthani folk
insturments is made ingeniously from a variety of materials.
Shells of dried gourds of all shapes and sizes are used
forgorse stems or bamboos
segments for flutes and baked clay pots for drums. Conch
shells are blown to produce full, resonant sounds, sticks
create a rasping rhythms and ghungroos (brass bells) jingle
on waists and ankles.
Sarangi is the the most important folk musical instrument
and is found in various forms in Rajasthan.

Veteran Sarangi Player

Rawanhathha of the Thori or Nayak Bhopas is probably
the earliest instrument played with a bow, and this humble
instrument could well be the precursor of the violin. It has
two main strings and a variable number of supporting strings,
with a belly of half coconut shell and a body of bamboo. The
bow has ghungroos (bells) attached to it. The music is staccato
and accompained by the syncopated singing of the Bhopa and
the Bhopan.The Jogis of Abu Road area use a smaller version
of the Rawanhathha which has its two main strings tuned to
the 'Sa' of the Indian octave and a third of steel to 'Pa'.
The Langas use the Sindhi sarangi. It is made up of four main
wires, seven jharas and seventeen tarafs. Others members of
the family are the Gujratan, Jogia and Dhani sarangis. The
Surinda, favourite of the Manganiyars, is a small sarangi.
The Chikara, used by the Meos and Jogis of Mewat is
a replica of the Sarangi.
The Kamaycha has a big, circular resonator which produces
a deep booming sound. It is used exclusively by the Manganiyars
in the Jaisalmer-Barmer region.So deeply is the sense of tune
and rhythm in the mind and ear of the folk muscians, that
they need nothing more than intuition and a highly trained
ear to tune their instruments.

The Ektaara is also a single string instrument, but
it is mounted on the belly of a gourd attached to a body
made of bamboo.The Galaleng Jogis of Dungarpur and Banswara
have twin gourded Kendru appears akin to the ancient
Kinnari Veena, and it has often been called the Keengri
in Rajasthan literature.The Chautara, also called
the Tandoora or Nissan , is also a popular five stringed
drone and beat instrument used as an accompaniment to devotional
music and for the Terathali dance.
The morchang resembles a jew's-harp. The plaintive,
melancholic twang of the morchang adds a desolate dimension
to the songs of the Manganiyars.

are the numerous instruments that are played by blowing
into them.Rajasthan folk music has many variations of the
flute. The Peli of the Meos of Alwar is a short flute,
to the music of which the Ratwai is sung in a high pitch.The
Algoza, common in the Tonk-Ajmer areas, is two such
flutes played together. The Kathodis use the Pawri,
a flute of bamboo held vertically. The Bhils use a short
flute in some of their dances. Ceremonial music is provided
by Nafeeri and Surnai, both rudimentrary forms of the shehnai
.Then there is the Poongi of the snake charmers and
its adaptation by the Langas called the Murla. Both have
two tubes, one for the notes and the other for the drone.


playing the Nad
Satara of the Langas has one long flute and another
flute to provide the drone.The Narh or Nad produces
music most evocative of the desert.It is a vertical flute
with a single long hollow tube, into which the player whistles,
at the same time gurgling a song in his throat or actually
singing intermittently. The effect is haunting.
there is the Poongi of the snake charmers and its adaptation
by the Langas called the Murla. Both have two tubes, one for
the notes and the other for the drone.

dancing in tune with Poongi
bells are the first of the autophonic instruments. The Ghanti
or the Ghanta are commonly used and the ghungroo(ankle bells)
form an integral part of music. The Bhopas of Bherunji wear
large ghungroos around their waists and sway their bodies
to provide a rhythm. The war dance of the Godwad area, the
Ramjhol, is performed to the rhythm of the large ankle bells.
Then there are the Manjeeras which are made of brass in
the shape of hemispherical metal cups struck against each
kinds of drums form this group of musical instruments. They
are of various kinds;the two sided drums, the shallow rimmed
and single faced. The twin faced drums include the tiny
Damru or Dugdugi of the Kalbeliyas and Madari.
The Bhils use the Maadal , a folk version of 'Moisang' which
has a body of baked clay and gives a booming sound.The single
faced and shallow rimmed drums are the Daf and the
Chang. The Chang is the biggest, and with a parchment
pasted on its rim,is a big favourite of the Holi revellers.

Chang and Dhol
with Algoza & Matka
Matkas of Pabuji and the Ghada are a pair of huge
earthenware pots,their mouths covered with membrane. One
player plays each Matka, and the Bhopas use it to accompany
their singing. The whole effect is heightened by the graceful
dance of the player.